- Mobile Suit Gundam Wing – Endless Waltz Special Edition | NoobSubs

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Anonymous anon - I'm not. The build up is very disappointing for the Series, the second half is okay. But the ending is horrible.

Not gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo mention the Characters aren't really even that endlless. SEED was going to be nice when it was first announced, it started to really dwindle down to not being interesting, all the way to the lackluster end.

I could understand if you don't have other Gundam Series' to watch, but is HD and redrawing really that necessary? I'd rather have seen an older Gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo /6371.php this treatment, IMO. So much for lack of taste. Anonymous It is not shit, it is better than with a bunch of idiots running around doing the same thing Char and Amuro did. It just depends. The poor fights itself is the major thing hinder this thing from being interesting.

Lacking of taste here is you, my friend. Destiny sucks but if you just running around the net gathering a bunch of negative comments on something you don't endlexs watch, this is as far as you can write, yeah ino bad build up, bad ending a damn general and oversimplified perspective. Something even a kid awltz write about a show. Seriously, you don't like it, then don't watch it, no complain, everyone's happy, simple. God, how could u say that Seeds Ending was horrible?

I think thats the better ending among all gundams ending. If u say it to SeedDestiny, that series deserve a bit because the biased and stupid things that actually it should no need to happen. GUndam Seed gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo titled as a legend and the best ever gundam in gundam universe by Critics. GS also have a best plots-music-characters whilst the story moves perfectly without any delayed. Madcap The thing I endleess of am disappointed with is that the widescreen is cutting off a endlezs amount download size yo by bobi wine the video.

I ran the p version with the normal version in sync side-by-side and all they did was add black bars to make it wlatz. I know there's nothing else they could have done aside from re-drawing it but gundak.

I literally put two pieces of paper on my screen where the p black bars were and the looked nearly identical. Other then that wihg HD remaster is looking awesome /47323.php with the fully remastered scenes.

I was watching it on cable in Asia, and even when the action came, wzltz and my brother's bias made doenload flick the channel and sleep on our hotel room. And ive bought a gaming mag with an excerpt about SEED which had just debuted on our country that time. But now times have changed. Still i think Zeta Gundam, with Unicorn next to it has some of the best writing plot and character development in it.

As an adult who halo 2 version free download only appreciates good action, but now a great story told unpredictably as well, with all the twists and politics and drama. Wwaltz Gundam fans agree nothing comes close to Zeta. But imo i really love I have a whole collection of Gunpla of it having missed out on the previous Gundam series.

AGE is retaining my vested interest in it, sure it may be lighthearted and a LOT of ignorant hateful western bakas spammed the этом aircrack-ng for pc download promo vid of AGE just to make a statement. Well Sunrise replied back by not premiering it in wjng West. AND closing down sownload Bandai online store. Karma is a beam sabre to the cockpit. Anonymous blacksolar Im a western.

I watched all U. I respect your opinion, but. If you watch one of these, you easy catch the copy-references. War is terrible? Go away and watch a Vietnam war movie. Conspiracy donwload. A lot of them!! For me, the best alter-universe are AD OO in gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo overall. But for the plot, the best are the AC Wing. In gundxm UC for me the best are Victory. Also I din't like the HD changes. Doesn't work for me. Sorry 4 my poor grammar. I loved the idea though, like arming the same fighter with different missiles.

But you have to admit that Sun had more character drama. Wing gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo one of the first series shown outside of Japan. Wing's imprinted on many of us non-Japanese as the first Gundam series we've watched. That's probably why so many people put it in high regard. Similarly, this is also why Seed is loved so much by Bandai right now, most Japanese kids saw this as their first series gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo see this as su of the whole franchise.

Never loved Gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo plot, I found it convoluted to the point of non-sense.

Also, I really hated how Heero would have to be shot down in bird mode and had to transform mid-crash, as well as the initial invincibility of the Gundams.

At least 00 fixed this by showing that skill was needed instead of just technical specs Graham's Flag vs Exia in the 1st ep, also Overflag vs Throne Eins. Anonymous Well in the concept of gundam as 'exclusive mobile suit with superior performance', SEED and Destiny turned it off by giving every faction at least 1 gundam unit. I don't against multi gundam units, but giving that gundam can easily mass gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo for everyone is a big NO. Anonymous Logic perspectives?

Ha ha, look, something as chunky like a Gundam can fly in the atmosphere isn't really logical already. Let me point out some more, Newtype using psychic to enhance dwonload suit's power, damaging physical substances also isn't logical. Innovator theory is a bunch of bullshit, there's no way human gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo jam their conscious into a machine or switch body.

Crossbones' clothes should constantly hinders the gundams' movements while it is not. Hyper golden mode and Sekiha Tenkyouken приведу ссылку also impossible. There are tons subb things that are unlogical in Gundams, live with it man.

People mozilla firefox for pc windows 10 64 bit lesser forehead Gundwm and Murrue specially. Clothing now wlng a brighter color. Mobile Suits are more accurately drawn having a much more realistic design and articulation.

By realistic I mean 3D model and GunPla perspectives. Cockpit hatch looks more detailed. The GINNs' thruster backpack looks longer. Strike looks enldess badass now - Did I mention Athrun now has a smaller forehead? Anonymous I always thought that Gundam SEED had an okay quality, I loved the show, so maybe I was prejudiced, but looking at these pictures in comparison, omg the quality was quite terrible actually! I had noticed the difference between SEED and Destiny, the characters looked way better in Destiny, although I never much cared for walttz sequel, but to have the Destiny quality in SEED is very nice, I like it a lot, although I should probably admit that it makes the gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo look older, while they shouldn't diwnload.

Still, I really like the changes they made to it, and it makes me want to watch it all over again:D Thanks for the comparison pictures:D. Anonymous hello sorry i'm just want to comment, no hard feeling okay? Inddo just my opinion. Actually, i really like the 'remastered' version of GS, coz. Hahahahaa, so i won't be worried about my eyes being sick of those blur pictures.

Even though it looks bigger or should i say. Gundaj then zaku too. When i see that, i thought that it was just some error from the studio. Please sunrise. Actually there are other changes too. I'm wondering about the 'comparison pic' from the gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo version i conclude that mostly the pictures from left side is the old one, because the right one has the jackass download characteristic that i got about remastered version.

I already check it with my cousin's GS original old version. So, where is this comes from??? It is just my opinion and my question. Even though the old version is too blur for me, i still like the drawing style. So if there's anyone who can answered it, please answer it coz i love GS too much to let it go hahahahahhaaa.

Fell free to reply it. But please, no harsh words okay? I'm willingly accept the comment. I'm waiting for the full collection of GS remastered version!!. GS become worse because GSD.


Gundam wing endless waltz download sub indo -


C , dengan dimulainya Operasi Meteor. Para ilmuwan merencanakan pemberontakan terhadap OZ, sebuah organisasi militer yang memiliki jaringan dan kekuatan yang sangat diperhitungkan. Para Ilmuwan ini melibatkan lima pemuda yang telah mereka seleksi dan latih secara matang untuk melaksanakan operasi rahasia ini. Mereka semua kemudian dikirim ke bumi dalam unit Mobile Suits yang sangat canggih. Dan dirancang sendiri oleh para ilmuwan kemudian disesuaikan dengan kelebihan para pemuda itu masing — masing.

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Director Yasunao Aoki. Rika Takahashi translation Yoshiyuki Tomino. Top credits Director Yasunao Aoki. See more at IMDbPro. Videos 1. Trailer Photos Top cast Edit.

Mark Hildreth Heero Yuy English version voice. Kirby Morrow Trowa Barton English version voice. Ted Cole Chang Wufei English version voice. Brian Drummond Zechs Merquise English version voice. Saffron Henderson Lucrezia Noin English version voice. Enuka Okuma Lady Une English version voice. Cathy Weseluck Dorothy Catalonia English version voice. Campbell Lane Narrator English version voice. Michael Dobson Dekim Barton English version voice …. Paul Dobson. David Kaye. Brent Miller. Ward Perry Abdul English version voice ….

Samantha Ferris Sally Po English version voice. Yasunao Aoki. More like this. Storyline Edit. Did you know Edit. Quotes Heero : Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated? Alternate versions A three episode OVA was created first and this compilation movie has eight minutes of new footage with a different music track. User reviews 35 Review.



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    Don't make Athrun is weak, too weak hearts, can cry in front of many people, not reasonable,and never kill enemies. Karma is a beam sabre to the cockpit. Wing's imprinted on many of us non-Japanese as the first Gundam series we've watched. GS become worse because GSD. Actually there are other changes too. Daiki Nakamura Auda. Cencoroll Zack.
